A great day out for the Ladies of the Valley
The Ladies of the Valley High Tea and Charity Raffle was created to shine a light on women’s finance, promote and celebrate local Seymour businesses, and to kick off Height Capital’s partnership with Goulburn Options.
The Ladies of the Valley High Tea and Charity Raffle, which was held on Sunday 16 May 2021, has been hailed a success, raising $4685 for Goulburn Options.

Height Capital has had a presence in the Goulburn Valley since opening an office in the main street of Seymour in 2019. During this time, we have had the privilege to get to know many of the families and businesses in the area and continue to be impressed with the entrepreneurial spirit and ingenuity of so many.

The Ladies of the Valley event was the brainchild of Louisa Munro, Height Capital senior accountant and financial planner who works in both the Seymour and Melbourne office. The event aimed to shine a spotlight on women’s finance and encourage them to “ask the question” about their personal finances so that they can be confident about their future financial security. Louisa commented, “As women so often put everyone around them first, we wanted to shift the focus back to them, with a day to enjoy and celebrate the important role they play in the economy and society.  The main message being, the more we know about our own finances, the more we can teach our children and help those around us.”

At the same time, we were also wanting to do something to mark the beginning of our partnership with Goulburn Options. When Andrew Height, Managing Director and owner of Height Capital was introduced to Goulburn Options at the start of 2021, he was not only impressed with their creative, inclusive, and engaging program offering for those living with a disability but also the bespoke nature of all services offered to participants. This deeply resonated with Andrew and so a desire to partner with Goulburn Options over the long-term was ignited.

The local Seymour community has been amazing at supporting the Ladies of the Valley event, with 11 businesses donating items for either Door Prizes, Raffle Items or the Silent Auction and many others selling Raffle tickets and promoting the event at their place of business. We were also fortunate to have the amazing fundraising efforts of one local women, spruiking Raffle tickets in the main street, selling every Raffle ticket booklet she could get her hands on! What an effort!

The day itself saw 65 like-minded people gather in the stunning Trawool Valley for some great food, lively conversation, music by the talented Tom Harrington and a truly fun afternoon supporting Goulburn Options. Height Capital were also the lucky winning bid for the Silent Auction item donated by Goulburn Options; a stunning collaborative artwork created by female participants of the GO Art program, created specifically for our event. We look forward to showing it off in our new Boardroom in July!

Louisa sums up the event by saying, “The community were amazing. We wanted to celebrate the great service that Goulburn Options delivers, and this has been shown by the amount of money raised on their behalf.”

“It was great to see people from all segments of the community gathering together, everyone in the room was engaged and having a great time. I couldn’t be more grateful for the support we have received from local businesses and individuals.”

“We look forward to a long relationship working with the amazing people at Goulburn Options and look forward to our next event! “

Raffle winners were:

Leah Boulton – $50 voucher from Baracca Lane

Jan Williams -Three-wine pack from Brave Goose Vineyard

Pat Dewar – $100 Trawool Estate voucher

Sue Parker – $130 voucher from Becoming Yoga

Laura Jeffrey – O’Cosmedics Facial by Lorice’s Beauty Place

Kelly Hebard – Luxury Haircare Hamper from Bespoke Hairdressing

Sandra Winnell – Rambling Wine Tours – Off the Beaten Track half day tour

Carol Pollard – Stay and Play $500 Trawool voucher